
Aminoacidic Resonances | AA 2/4 (Loveletterstosinewave – 2020)

*Aminoacidic Resonances is the first of a series of compositions based on chemical sound samples. This work is based on samples of aminoacids’ sounds (detected through H-NMR and converted back into sound using a MATLAB script) and sinewave generators.
The whole work is inspired by the wonderful world of organic chemistry and pure resonance.
Amino acids are a class of important biomolecules containing amine (-NH2) and carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups, along with a side chain (R group) specific to each amino acid.
This class of biomolecules is extremely important since they are proteins building blocks and they are involved in essential biochemical processes such as Gene expression. During translation, which is the second major step in gene expression, the mRNA is “read” according to the genetic code, which relates the DNA sequence to the amino acid sequence in proteins.


Mainarde DE002 | AA 2/4 (Dromoscope Editions – 2016)

*Dedicated to the hermetic element Air with its relative symbolic number two, Mainarde is an intense five­-parts sonic reminiscence of Ricci’s native­born land, released by Dromoscope Editions as third chapter of the Antidigital Series. Young brilliant electronic musician as well as agronomist and passionate researcher in microbiology, Andrea Ricci was born and raised in the breathtaking italian scenario of Mainarde Mountains where a deep relationship with the unspoiled nature and vast horizons of the native land has indelibly shaped his musical research. Attempting to reflect an interior vision of his meticulously listened landscapes and abandoned places, Ricci triggers interactions between carefully stolen natural noises and a variety of scientifically mastered instruments spacing from complex digital convolution reverbs to pure analogue tape manipulation. As a clear resonance of Ricci’s origins and studies, spatiality and organicity deeply permeate his over­detailed sonic abstractions, emotional visions and religious transfigurations of the perceived physical space.


Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound? [ Q09 ] (Farmacia901 – 2015)

The Line Between Heaven and Here (Sonospace – 2014)

Blend (Twice Removed – 2014)

*”Quello descritto da “Blend” è un visionario percorso tra impervie cime montane avvolte dalla nebbia, che Ricci fa letteralmente risuonare attraverso vaporosi field recordings naturalistici, pesantemente processati a creare soffi costituiti da saturazioni tenebrose.”


*”Andrea Ricci’s Blend is a recording full of mystery. The transmissions appear to come from far away. With a particularly fascinating industrial approach akin to Zoviet France’s equally confounding work Blend brings the listener into unknowable territories. Spacious in terms of how much the sound spreads out there is no beginning and no end for the piece. Rather elements suggest treated field recording yet anything beyond that is incredibly murky. “


NTSCL (Somehow – 2013)

*”Un’attitudine che dimostra il talento di Andrea Ricci, capace con minimi movimenti di dare direzioni diversi al suo suono. Un artista da monitorare con attenzione.”
